In the Office

The project team are currently regularly meeting with staff from the Bay of Plenty Regional Council to work through plans for the consenting for the use of the Council’s vacant capacity within its containment cell adjacent the Boat Harbour site, which the BOPRC is still considering its formal approve to use. The cell known as CS3, was built in 2017 and has around 5,000m3 of available capacity within the cell.

The Project’s contaminated land advisors HAIL Environmental Ltd were project managers for the Kopeopeo Canal remediation project where dioxin impacted silt was removed from the neighbouring canals and placed into the containment cell.

The project is proposing to use the unused and vacant capacity within the cell CS3 for all the dioxin and PCP impacted wood waste that is on the site.

The land that the cell is built on is currently in the process of being returned to Te Rāhui Lands Trust now that the land is surplus to the remediation project.

Image above of the vacant unused space (black area) within the contaminated soil containment cell adjacent the Boat Harbour site.


Onsite Activities