Tūruapō – Vision
Te Rāhui is a boat harbour and a hub of marine industry employment that is a cornerstone of the Whakatāne Regeneration Programme supported by four visionary partners, seeking to provide for upwards of 600 jobs in Whakatāne’s marine and tourism industries.
Strategic Context
Berthage at the town wharf in Whakatāne, and throughout the East Coast of the North Island, has been at capacity for many years. The proposed Boat Harbour will provide a long term supply of safer and more resilient berthage for vessel storage in the town.
The development will include a marine servicing centre with a mobile boat hoist of 80-100-tonne capacity, providing a new option for vessels to be lifted from the water to undergo maintenance and servicing on New Zealand’s east coast. A new marine training school onsite will look to provide skilled workers for the site, as well as the existing marine industry in Whakatāne which includes two of New Zealand’s largest and most popular aluminum boat builders; Extreme Boats and Surtees Boats.
Ultimately the $29.4 million boat harbour will retain existing jobs and create upwards from 600 new jobs and flow-on economic benefits for the region.
It will also restore the connections and mauri of the river for future generations, and enable key outcomes for the people of Whakatāne to be achieved.
An artist's impression of how Te Rāhui Herenga Waka will look on opening, which is anticipated to be as soon as the end of 2024.
The site has the potential to accommodate a recreational boat harbour, a boat ramp, and further businesses. Currently this is not funded, but it is hoped that it will be built following the completion of the first stages and as demand allows.